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Physical Exam Specialist

Ben Kermani, MD

Primary Care Doctor located in Las Vegas – Southern Highlands area

An annual physical examination helps ensure your continued health while identifying potential problems early on. Dr. Ben Kermani offers full physical examinations, including critical screening tests such as blood-pressure tests, PAP smears, and skin-cancer examinations — to those in the Las Vegas and Summerlin area. If you would like to schedule a physical examination for yourself or a family member, contact Dr. Kermani’s caring staff.

Physical Exam Q&A

Why do I need a physical examination?

Regular physical examinations are essential for children, teens, older adults, and anyone with chronic conditions.

Although studies have demonstrated that most healthy adults don’t require annual exams, seeing Dr. Kermani regularly assures continuity of care, allows you to bring up issues that might otherwise feel embarrassing, and provides assurance that your body’s functioning as it should.

What happens in a physical examination?

Dr. Kermani believes in a hands-on, intensive-listening approach to medical care. He treats you as a unique individual who may require treatments tailored to your specific needs.

Some of the steps that Dr. Kermani may perform during your physical exam include:

  • Taking your medical history
  • Assessing your general appearance, such as skin quality
  • Listening to your heart and lungs
  • Taking your blood pressure
  • Examining your head, neck, and tonsils
  • Palpating, listening to, and tapping your abdominal area
  • Testing your nerves, reflexes, muscles, and balance
  • Examining your joints for signs of arthritis or other functional issues

If you’re a man, Dr. Kermani may:

  • Check your testes for cancer
  • Palpate for an enlarged prostate or potential hernias
  • Examine your penis for signs of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) or other disorders
  • Take blood for STD tests

If you’re a woman, Dr. Kermani may:

  • Examine your breasts and lymph nodes for lumps or other abnormalities
  • Conduct a pelvic exam, PAP smear, or HPV test for cervical cancer
  • Take blood for STD tests

Which other lab tests happen during a physical exam?

Depending on your needs, Dr. Kermani can perform several additional tests:

  • A lipid panel to check blood cholesterol levels
  • An EKG to monitor heart function
  • A complete blood count
  • A chemistry panel
  • A blood sugar test for diabetes (for those at risk or over age 45)

Dr. Kermani can also provide you with referrals for mammograms, colonoscopies, and other screening tests.

What’s the best way to stay healthy?

Dr. Kermani always recommends a healthy lifestyle that includes plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, regular exercise, sufficient sleep, good relationships, and avoiding unhealthy habits, such as smoking or drinking alcohol excessively.

To add Dr. Kermani to your and your family’s health team, call his helpful, dedicated staff to book an appointment.